Sunday, January 19, 2014

So close...

Hi everyone! Finally we arrive at the final few days before the show opens! It has been so wonderful this whole time, despite my lingering flu symptoms! I must agree with Maestro White, when he said a few nights ago, that this truly has been one of the most enjoyable shows to work on in a very long time. Nancy and I agree that it must have something to do with John Jones really knowing how to hire good GOOD people. And it makes the drama ON the stage so much more compelling. Everyone sings and acts and performs their parts so well, from the WALL of sound and fun that is the men's chorus, to the amazing courtiers, Borsa, Marullo, Ceprano, etc. and our fellow leads, we think this is going to be a wonderful and well-sung and dramatic/fun show to see!
Today we all got to try out our costumes! We think they look great! Here's me, Marc, and Dustin!
Tomorrow we go to stage for the first time with sets and props and a costumes and things, and we get to sit around while Marc and everyone adjusts lighting and yells at us to adjust our stage positions to be IN said light! Can't wait! Fun to had by all! Whoo-hoo!!! Keep your fingers chai'ed!!!
Filakia polla, Michael

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